Back Into the Rhythm, Again

Shadow on the Path

Shadow on the Path

I have stated this before, but I am now going to be regular in my postings.  I plan on posting 3x per week, and more if I have something interesting to say.

This is all a part of my learning to get organized, scheduled, and committed with consistency.  I have had this blog for nearly 2 years and truthfully only worked it in spurts.  I have enough views to keep it going and reinvent instead of starting over with a new one.

My life as a health and fitness coach has taken me to new places that I am beginning to explore.  Most important of all is learning how to be a better person in general.  I want to be consistent in my business efforts, and in my efforts to share my knowledge,  and sometimes just my thoughts, with the world.  It’s through sharing that we make a difference and help others.

So if you’ve been checking in, thanks.  And if you’ve just visited from an internet search, I thank you too.

Post coming later today. Promise. Pinky swear!

Scheduling My Workouts

I am having a problem creating a schedule and sticking to it.  The few times I actually take the effort to create a schedule, something comes along to mess it up.  Or I just don’t get up early enough to stick to it.

I am currently on Day 4/90 of my Challenge.  I am proud to say I have not missed a workout yet, but am getting them done late.  And I mean like 11:00pm late.

This is screwing with my plan to get to bed earlier.  So I am yet again trying to use my planner to put in the time of my workout and will make sure I am done before 9:00pm so I can take a relaxing shower and then get to bed.

Tonight’s schedule is to workout at 8:00pm.

Anyone else have issues with scheduling???