Day One of Clean

I have finished the recommended minimum amount of days for the elimination diet and ready to start this 21 days of being Clean.  I hope to release plenty of toxins from my body and of course, would love to shed a few pounds too!  My goal is 15 pounds.

During the elimination phase I have already shed 2 pounds.  Not weighing myself every day, but probably every 2-3 days to see if I am getting progress.  Of course I will also gauge from the way my clothes fit.

Nime Chow

Nime Chow

Tonight was a challenge for me since I went out for dinner to one of my favorite Asian restaurants, Apsara. But I kept it on the program by ordering Nime Chow with shrimp and then Stir Fried Lort (rice) noodles with seafood.  Rice is allowed on the program, but not wheat.

Weighing in again tomorrow and will see where I’m at!

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