Crossroads of Life

I am at a crossroads in my life and hoping I can figure my way through the intersection rather quickly.

I recently put my resume online and then was contacted by an insurance company that sounded promising, so I quickly studied and passed the state licensing exam and headed out to Chicago for 10 days of training.

Then reality hit when I realized within 3 weeks that what they spoke about in Chicago was nothing like the real world of trying to sell supplemental insurance to people who really aren’t interested.  I tried, and maybe could have tried harder, but it just wasn’t me.  I have been stressed, my mind consumed with my lack of sales, and a general malaise brought about by all my stressing.

So today I decided I would leave the company and focus all of my attention on getting healthy and fit using the knowledge I already have.  I am a Beachbody coach, but have not been working the business, or working out.  I have the tools I need to make a difference in my own life, then I will adapt that into making a difference in others’ lives through coaching.

I know I am an excellent teacher and love sharing what I know with those wanting to hear me.  No more, “Not interested, or I have enough insurance,” but more like, “How did you do that and might that work for me?”

Tutoring my local schoolkids will help a little bit with the bills, but I may need to find something else to fill the void while I get up and running.  Maybe even literally!

ChaLEAN Extreme

ChaLEAN Extreme

Back Into Running Rhythm

I ran 3 times this week at the gym.  I do it on the treadmill since that has more give and less pounding on my feet, especially my reconstructed ankle.

The first time I tried this I hurt and ached for days.  Now the pain and swelling is not as severe and I can do this every two days or so.  Now its time to make a walk/run schedule like I had last year.

The Running Journal and Complete Book of Beginning Running.

The Running Journal and Complete Book of Beginning Running.

My plan is to use a warm-up walking period of 5 minutes since my ankle can be stiff until I get it moving along at a good speed.  Then I will use 20 minutes on the treadmill and block off when and for how long I will run in between bouts of cooling down.

Today I ran for 4 bouts of 45 seconds each with about 3-4 minutes between.  I didn’t track it exactly.  But now I want to track so I can see improvement and push myself as I progress.  If I hadn’t already been getting into shape through Beachbody and ChaLEAN Extreme, there is no way I could come right out and run 45 seconds the first time.  I am getting stronger and not stopping now.

Contact me for more information on coaching through Beachbody, or check out       my site.  Thanks!

I Ran Again

I haven’t run in nearly 7 1/2 months and I actually did it yesterday.  And that was a big step for me.

My Adidas Walking Shoes and Comfy Neon Socks

Going to need a new pair of good running shoes.

I had been working on my own version of a walk/run C25K last summer before I broke my ankle in 3 places on August 15th.  It has been a very slow and arduous journey back to walking, and I still have times when the pain and swelling flares up and I limp.

But I started back to the gym about 2 weeks ago, and have been working out at home

ChaLEAN Extreme

ChaLEAN Extreme


using my Beachbody ChaLEAN Extreme program, and just felt ready last night to try a brief run.  And I do mean brief.  I think it lasted about 15 seconds and I did it twice.  I just wanted to celebrate once it was accomplished.  No balloons fell from the ceiling of the gym and I probably looked like a dork with the big grin on my face, but I didn’t care.  I had just run.

Running had been a goal I set for myself to complete before the end of March and I did it.  Fear of the pain, or perhaps falling down, had prevented me from trying sooner.  But now it seems that conquering that fear has lit a new spark in me, and I plan on creating a new C25K program to start April 1.

Studying to be a health coach through IIN has changed me from the inside out, and I’m liking the positive changes.  Hoping there are more to come soon!

Ankle Hurting Again

I am not sure if it’s the cold weather, but my ankle is really bothering me lately.  Very stiff  and taking quite a bit of time to warm up and move, and I feel like I have gone backward in my recovery.

My Painful Swollen Ankle

My Painful Swollen Ankle

It also didn’t help that I decided to take my Beachbody Fit Test and tried the jump and reach.  I didn’t jump too far, probably just an inch more than I can reach stretching my arm to the fullest, but the landing took my breath away.  Not a sharp pain, but a feeling of “What the heck were you thinking???”  My muscles were just not ready for that landing and have been protesting since.

Stretching more has been absolutely necessary and I have to assess other things I do to make sure I don’t reinjure this poor ankle.  I was making such good progress, and then ouch!  But still continuing with my workouts and just walking a bit slower and stretching a bit longer.

My New 90 Day Challenge

ChaLEAN Extreme

ChaLEAN Extreme

I am ready to restart a new challenge and have a goal of losing 30 pounds in the next 90 days!  There, I said it so now I have to work my butt off for it to come true.

I am now a Beachbody Coach and will be starting my Chalean Extreme program today along with my Brazil Butt Lift.  Working through these programs will allow me to become familiar with them, and of course help me slim down!

Starting my coaching at a bigger size allows me to completely understand the issues new exercisers face, along with all their challenges.  I am willing to do my very best, which may not be every move every time, but I’ll try and that’s all I can ask of myself.

So if you’re interested in beginning an exercise program and would like a personal coach to help cheer you along in your progress, please send me a message or check out my website.

Measurements have been faithfully logged (and thank goodness I’m not looking at them for another month!) and I will weigh in weekly and post on the blog.  Please join me in sweating and eating my way to a healthier me!

Update on Brazil Butt Lift DVD

I was so upset that the second DVD was damaged in my Brazil Butt Lift set, that I finally called Beachbody Customer Service to see what I could get accomplished.  And I am so glad I called.

The lady I spoke with was very pleasant and professional.  My entire phone call lasted 12 minutes and I hung up with a new and improved replacement DVD on its way to me free of charge.  It took some extra time since I knew it was the DVD in the middle of the trifold case, but I was not at home and she had to check to see which one it was.  High and Tight and Sculpt were the workouts on the particular damaged disc and a new one has already been mailed.

I already received an email stating it has shipped and I am expecting it any day now.  Yeah!!! I am planning on starting the cycle of the 30 days again tomorrow (Friday) and if the one I need has not arrived by the time I need it, then I will skip it and come back.

Here’s to my Brazilian Butt!!!!